Office Hours Agenda - 10/10/2023 - Home Networking

Office Hours Agenda - 10/10/2023 - Home Networking
Photo by Franck / Unsplash

Last meeting, we created NFC-based business cards using NFTags that were shaped like a business card and used the popular phone app NFTools to write a vCard to it.

Quick Reminder: We updated our office hours policy to allow the general public to attend - not just newsletter subscribers and supporters. Hope to see you there!

This month we're going to talk about Wi-Fi and home-networking! Whether you are looking to secure your Wi-Fi, boost your signal strength, or set up a smart home, we've got you covered!

Here's a sneak peek at what our session will cover:

Introduction to Home Networking

Start from the ground up with a foundational understanding of home networking essentials and the components that form a seamless network.

Setting Up a Secure Wi-Fi Network

Delve into the nuances of setting up a secure Wi-Fi network. Learn how to select the right router and safeguard your network from potential vulnerabilities.

Boosting Wi-Fi Signal and Coverage

Wave goodbye to weak signals and dead zones. Discover tried and tested strategies to enhance your Wi-Fi signal strength and coverage.

Networking for Specific Devices

Tailor your network to suit your needs. Whether it's gaming, streaming, or setting up a smart home, find out how to optimize your network for specific devices.

Advanced Networking Concepts

Step into the advanced realm of home networking with topics like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Network-Attached Storage (NAS) systems.

Troubleshooting Common Network Issues

Equip yourself with the knowledge to troubleshoot common network issues, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free connectivity experience at all times.

Conclusion and Q&A

Wrap up the session with a comprehensive recap and a Q&A session where you can have all your burning questions answered.

Hands-On or Demonstration

Witness live demonstrations where we'll showcase the steps to set up a secure Wi-Fi network and troubleshoot common issues effectively. We'll be looking at OpenWRT and GL.iNet devices, Google Wifi Mesh, and Firewalla for our demo!

Join us for a session packed with insights, tips, and practical knowledge to revamp your home network setup.

Office Hours
We all get frustrated with technology. Sometimes you just need some guidance. Join us and other subscribers to get answers to your questions and solve your problems.

Grove City Tech Lab - Monthly Office Hours

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