Lock Picking Columbus - July 10, 2024
Tonight from 7pm - 9pm Eastern, Grove City Tech Lab is hosting Lock Picking Columbus - a free, recurring community event for learning how to pick physical locks, break digital signals, and cracking safes and other security devices.
We follow TOOL guidelines as it pertains to the morals of lock-picking, signal analysis, and safe-cracking - and we provide options for you to use ethically at the meeting including locks, picks/sets, rakes, FlipperZero, iCopyX, and Sparrows Safe cracking.
3989 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123
Ring the bell for entry!

3989 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123 - Look for the Lock Pick Learning Group sign and ring the bell!
You can sign up and join us on Radius (a Meetup and EventBrite alternative) for future meeting updates and notifications:
Lock Picking Columbus | Radius
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