Lock Picking Columbus

Formerly known as Lockpick Learning Group

Lock Picking Columbus
Lock Picking Columbus

I've decided to drop both Meetup and Eventbrite for our monthly meetings, in favor of using Radius - a relatively new platform for groups.

While I'm not opposed to paying for a platform, the value proposition with the recent price increases for Meetup/Eventbrite are both less than ideal, along with a slew of features (and ad-tech) I'm not interested in when running a free group.

As part of this move, I've "re-branded" the Lockpick Learning Group to Lock Picking Columbus. I've also taken this opportunity to start including safe-cracking and digital lock-picking - in addition to the typical physical locks.

If you're interested in Non-Destructive Entry (NDE) and similar security concepts, join us every second Wednesday of the month to learn, practice, and share with like-minded Ohioans.

Lock Picking Columbus
Learn to pick locks!

Lock Picking Columbus information