Lock Picking Columbus
Formerly known as Lockpick Learning Group

I've decided to drop both Meetup and Eventbrite for our monthly meetings, in favor of using Radius - a relatively new platform for groups.
While I'm not opposed to paying for a platform, the value proposition with the recent price increases for Meetup/Eventbrite are both less than ideal, along with a slew of features (and ad-tech) I'm not interested in when running a free group.
As part of this move, I've "re-branded" the Lockpick Learning Group to Lock Picking Columbus. I've also taken this opportunity to start including safe-cracking and digital lock-picking - in addition to the typical physical locks.
If you're interested in Non-Destructive Entry (NDE) and similar security concepts, join us every second Wednesday of the month to learn, practice, and share with like-minded Ohioans.

Lock Picking Columbus information